


Morton Brown Family Wealth is a Registered Investment Advisor headquartered in the Lehigh Valley of Pennsylvania. The firm maintains an uncompromising dedication to excellent client service and an unwavering commitment to the fiduciary standard. After a decade of working together and developing a vision for what a great advisory practice could be, Dennis Morton and Katie Brown made the bold leap to form their own firm in 2018. Since then, the firm has grown in scale and size to better serve families throughout the Lehigh Valley region and across the country.

Our vision and Mission

Our Vision is to be a community of clients and professionals leading purposeful lives through the stewardship of wealth.

Our Mission is to lead clients through a collaborative planning and investment process that seeks to build a confident future. By helping to bring money and life into balance, our clients are free to pursue their passions, vocations, and opportunities.

what we believe

  • We believe in upholding our fiduciary responsibility to act in the best interests of our clients.
  • We believe that integrating financial expertise with guidance rooted in education fosters confidence.
  • We believe in balancing optimism for the future with clarity about the work to be done today.
  • We believe in collaborating openly with our clients’ accountants, attorneys, and other professionals to assure wholistic support.
  • We believe that financial conversations can be simplified and free of industry jargon.
  • We believe engaging the community around us leads to a richer life.
  • We believe our success is achieved by improving the quality of life for the families we serve.
226 Families
318 Million

find the right financial partner

We believe you deserve better than much of what the financial industry has to offer. Morton Brown Family Wealth provides a collaborative partnership designed to create a wealth management experience like no other.