Dennis writing

Simply Why Podcast

All About Control

The feeling of control when it comes to money can be triggering. Dennis and Katie share the varying ways control shows up in client conversations. Our perceived level of control can have lasting impacts on our emotions, tolerance levels, and how we see the world. Katie and Dennis also discuss how a perceived lack of […]

Delayed Gratification

Most advisors tout the benefits of sacrificing the now in favor of the future. However, the savings habits formed by clients can cause a tougher transition when turning those savings into a paycheck. Dennis and Katie discuss some drawbacks of delayed gratification in personal finance. They share how they coach couples through these transitions and […]

Growth Matters

Why does growth matter? Feeling energized on the heels of Future Proof, Dennis and Katie share their view of what it means to be a growing advisory firm and why that should matter to clients. They offer how they see their own firm’s growth leading to better service, better offerings, and more attention for their […]

Market Commentary

At the end of each quarter, Dennis and Katie’s team provide a live public commentary on market performance. In this podcast episode, the advisors share their belief in the importance of this type of communication. They reveal the common themes that pop up in their market commentary and how they encourage healthy investor behavior. Katie […]

Couples’ Communication

How do you communicate about money? Dennis and Katie work with many couples who have different communication styles. In this episode, they highlight the differences they see in communication styles and how that impacts the financial conversation. Katie and Dennis share how they help as advisors to facilitate a safe space for money conversations. Connect […]

Managing Stress

What stresses out your financial advisor? It may not be what you think. Katie and Dennis disclose common behind-the-scenes stressors for financial advisors and how they can trickle down to clients. Katie and Dennis reveal how they’ve designed a service model that helps to alleviate stress and allows their team to show up for clients […]

Making Mistakes

Even smart investors make mistakes! Dennis and Katie highlight the common mistakes made by both clients and advisors when it comes to investing. They explore what leads to these pitfalls and tips on how investors can potentially avoid them in the future. Listen in as they share real-life examples and reflect on their role as […]

Advocating for Excellence

Dennis and Katie are deeply committed to serving as advocates for their clients. Starting with how they built their independent advisory firm, they emphasize how each facet of the business was built with the end client’s experience in mind. Katie and Dennis highlight their frustrations in the industry and how they are working to combat […]

Coachable Moments

Dennis shares a personal story of his daughter’s recent inspiring coaching experience at the start of the soccer season. He laments the fact that once we leave school, many of us lose those valuable coaches in our lives. Katie and Dennis share how they go beyond the numbers to find coachable moments with their clients […]

Navigating Disagreements

What happens when business partners disagree? Dennis and Katie share the disagreements they have navigated as business owners and how they manage a safe space for conflict for their team. They also reveal how they coach clients through disagreements around finances through building awareness and confidence. Stay tuned to the very end for a fun […]