Dennis writing

Simply Why Podcast

Making Mistakes

Even smart investors make mistakes! Dennis and Katie highlight the common mistakes made by both clients and advisors when it comes to investing. They explore what leads to these pitfalls and tips on how investors can potentially avoid them in the future. Listen in as they share real-life examples and reflect on their role as […]

Advocating for Excellence

Dennis and Katie are deeply committed to serving as advocates for their clients. Starting with how they built their independent advisory firm, they emphasize how each facet of the business was built with the end client’s experience in mind. Katie and Dennis highlight their frustrations in the industry and how they are working to combat […]

Coachable Moments

Dennis shares a personal story of his daughter’s recent inspiring coaching experience at the start of the soccer season. He laments the fact that once we leave school, many of us lose those valuable coaches in our lives. Katie and Dennis share how they go beyond the numbers to find coachable moments with their clients […]

Navigating Disagreements

What happens when business partners disagree? Dennis and Katie share the disagreements they navigate as business owners and how they manage a safe space for conflict for their team. They also reveal how they coach clients through disagreements around finances by building their awareness and confidence. Stay tuned to the very end for a fun […]

Having Enough

Dennis and Katie are back to discuss the concept of “enough” in finances and in life. They offer some personal stories and client stories to help think about what “enough” means, the struggles you may face, and why comparison can be the enemy. Dennis and Katie emphasize that “enough” is not necessarily having the most, […]

Becoming Dispensable

On the heels of Dennis’ 5-week family sabbatical, Katie and Dennis reveal the intentional planning that went into allowing a business owner to disconnect and step away. In a world that is numbers-driven, Katie and Dennis challenged themselves early on to define what quality of life meant to them and subsequently built that directly into […]

Estate Planning Collaboration

As financial advisors, Dennis and Katie value their roles as collaborators with clients and as members of a client’s professional team. They specifically examine estate planning and their perspective on representing the “human side” of what can seem like a technical, jargon-filled process. Additionally, Dennis and Katie cover some estate planning basics, common misconceptions, and […]

Defining Your Investment Philosophy

How do you think about money and investing in your family? Katie and Dennis discuss the purpose of an investment philosophy and why it is valuable for couples and families. They share how an investment philosophy adds discipline, consistency, and focus to ensure both spouses understand their money picture. Katie and Dennis share how their […]

Embracing Simplicity in a Complex World

Complexity in your financial life can feel like a bad habit. You can tolerate it for a while, but ultimately it causes challenges, confusion, and disappointment. In the financial industry, complexity shows up in various ways. At times, it is used as a justification rather than a true purpose. Dennis and Katie share how they […]

Serving Our Ideal Client

Not all financial advisory firms are created equal. The 401(k) has significantly increased the current number of pre-retirees who have amassed over $1M in investable assets. However, not every firm is designed to serve high-net-worth families. Katie and Dennis offer insight into how they intentionally built their firm to serve their ideal client. From hiring […]