Dennis writing

Dennis Morton

What 2020 Taught Me as a Financial Advisor

I am a planner by nature, which makes sense considering my choice of profession. In addition to planning for the financial lives of clients, though, I also make time to plan for the success of our business. My partner, Katie Brown, and I believe that the best advisors and firms are intentional about how they […]

Home Economics and Financial Balance

In middle school, I took a class in home economics that taught me skills to run a household like a tight ship. I learned to sew (a sweatshirt) and cook (using baking soda when I should have used baking powder). My teacher, Mrs. Phelps, knew a lot about managing a high intensity household as her […]

Leading with Purpose Introduction

Why would a financial advisor host a podcast about leadership?  This year, I launched my new podcast called “Leading with Purpose”, where I interview leaders from different industries and backgrounds and help relate their experience to the financial decisions we all make. So, why does this matter for you as you plan and invest for […]

Thoughtful Investment Process

A brokerage statement can be a neat, orderly presentation of chaos if we focus on the wrong things. What if we had a sense of what our investments should be doing, not just what they did? What if we made a thoughtful investment process the norm? Case in point: Compare your statements from the end […]

High Value Decisions When Nearing Retirement

…The most optimistic psychology is always applied when things are thought to be going well, compounding and exaggerating the positives, and the most depressed psychology is applied when things are going poorly, compounding the negatives. This guarantees that extreme highs and lows will always be the eventual result in cycles, not the exception. Howard Marks, […]

Is An Annuity Right for Me?

No doubt you have heard of annuities. Maybe you have even kicked the tires on an annuity before, wondering about the downside to something that sounds so good. If you are curious about what annuities are, if you are unsure if they make sense for you, and especially if an insurance agent who isn’t a […]

How to Invest in a Crisis from Warren Buffett

“Perhaps with a bias, I don’t believe anyone knows what the market is going to do tomorrow, next week, next month, next year. I know America’s going to move forward over time, but I don’t know for sure and we learned this on Sept. 10, 2001. And we learned it a few months ago in […]

When Retirement Comes Early

Do you have a date set for when you will retire?  Maybe it’s the day you turn 65, or maybe when you are eligible for your full Social Security benefit. Whether it is imminent or still a few years off, you have probably thought hard about how to prepare your family and your finances for […]